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Group 26-1

Taking the chill out of cold calling

Cold calling can be one of the hardest aspects of being a successful real estate agent. It can be tempting to think you can skip it, relying on mailbox drops and other traditional advertising to build...

Breathe new life into stale listings

Every listing counts. But it can be tough to hold to that motto when the market slows down, and vendors are getting anxious that their property is taking longer than expected to sell.

Why real time results matter

We talk a lot at ListingLogic about the availability of real-time results for your digital marketing campaigns. But what does that mean, and why does it matter?

What are dynamic ads and what it means to real estate

Personalised property ads just got better - and easier

One of the best things about digital marketing campaigns is that existing tools are always improving and new tools are always being developed to ...

How real estate agents can get leads from Digital Marketing

Generating real estate leads used to mean hard work, cold calling, door-knocking, handing out business cards anywhere or everywhere, and relying on customers for word of mouth business.

Digital marketing for Property Managers

Boosting your profile to grow your rent roll and attract new landlord customers can be tough when many tenants and landlords insist they can manage the business of renting themselves online.