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Group 26-1

How to have the tricky ‘price reduction’ conversation

There’s no getting away from the fact that the market has shifted.

Unfortunately, market conditions don’t always match up with vendor expectations when it comes to their sale price. Bringing those exp...

Business brokers: Make your pitch stand out from the crowd

In today’s competitive environment, creating a pitch presentation that stands out from other business brokers is crucial in landing new clients.

How to get the best from Facebook for real estate in 2022

For years now Facebook has been one of the simplest, most reliable ways to connect with your community of clients - and potential clients. 

The thing that can seem hard to work out when using the soci...

Be a better broker, without having to be a digital marketing expert

If you’re a mortgage or business broker, how do you stand out from the competition, while still finding the time to be an effective broker and not a digital marketing expert?

Preparing your pitch for vendor paid advertising

The key to a successful vendor paid advertising pitch comes down to three critical elements, used in combination.

  1. Understanding what motivates your clients,
  2. Your own belief in the value of VPA
  3. Socia...

Help your vendors understand the power of digital marketing

Do you have hesitant vendors who are skeptical about the value of vendor-paid advertising?