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Group 26-1

Why organic content and paid advertising go hand in hand

Advertising campaigns work best when they’re multi-layered. It means you’re finding as many different ways to get your properties or your brand in front of the right people as you can. It’s why, thoug...

How to make your real estate marketing content stand out

Putting together digital ad content is fairly straightforward; there’s no need to completely reinvent the wheel when you take your ad campaigns from print to online – but a few key tips and tricks can...

Digital marketing: How to convince your vendors

Convincing skeptical vendors to use a digital marketing campaign to help sell their property can be a challenge.

Change is in the wind – how to be ready

If there’s one thing the ups and downs of the past 18 months have taught us it’s that change is the new normal!

Leverage the power of Google to find your audience

We all know an effective marketing or branding campaign is all about getting your ads in front of the right sets of eyes.

Connecting with community to disrupt the disruption

Remember the days when COVID disruption was described as “unprecedented”? Since then real estate consultants have come a long way in how they operate, rapidly adapting to use digital tools for everyth...